Το βούτυρο Adoro, γνωστό για την αξεπέραστη γεύση και ποιότητά του, παράγεται από φρέσκο παστεριωμένο αγελαδινό γάλα. Είναι ιδανικό για τα γλυκά, τα φαγητά ή απλά αλειμμένο στο ψωμί.
Adoro Blue Cheese is imported from Denmark, a country that traditionally produces cheese and especially the famous 'Danish Blue Cheese'. It is the best choice for those who want to enjoy all the taste of blue cheese at an affordable price.
The Adoro brand is one of the oldest in the Greek market of cheese and dairy products. It describes a wide range of products, from butter and cheeses to cream, evaporated and UHT milks. The wide variety of products it has, combined with the high quality and affordable price, are the elements that make the brand stand out, keeping it at high levels of recognition and sales, from its inception until today.
The Adoro brand is one of the oldest in the Greek market of cheese and dairy products. It describes a wide range of products, from butter and cheeses to cream, evaporated and UHT milks. The wide variety of products it has, combined with the high quality and affordable price, are the elements that make the brand stand out, keeping it at high levels of recognition and sales, from its inception until today.