Barba Stathis utterly delicious artichokes are tender, without strings, and deliciously sweet. They are high in protein which contributes to the maintenance of the muscle mass and also a source of fibre.
Barba Stathis Peas with Aubergines is an original combination of healthy, high-quality vegetables. They are very nutritious as they are source of protein which contributes to the maintenance of muscle mass, vitamin A which contributes to the maintenance of the normal vision, and also in vitamin C which contributes to maintain the normal function of our immune system.
Ο Μπάρμπα Στάθης φέρνει στο πιάτο σας λαχανικά με όλες τους τις βιταμίνες και τη γεύση, τόσο φρέσκα, όσο τη στιγμή που κόπηκαν. Απολαύστε τον όλες τις εποχές του χρόνου κοκκινιστό, λεμονάτο ή ως συνοδευτικό σε συνταγές με κρέας, ψάρι, ρύζι και ζυμαρικά. Έχει υψηλή περιεκτικότητα σε πρωτεΐνες, ενώ αποτελεί πηγή εδώδιμων ινών και βιταμίνης C.
Barba Stathis Sweet Potatoes are delicious and have a distinct aroma. They come peeled, pre-cut and always crispy and nutritious. They are high in vitamin A which contributes to the maintenance of normal vision and the normal function of our immune system, and also a source of fibre.
Barba Stathis Whole Onions come peeled and ready to use for cooking. They are tender and chock-full of flavour, which makes them ideal for savory and oven-baked dishes.
Barba Stathis brussels sprouts are exquisite, tender and spicy. They are high in protein which contributes to the maintenance of normal bones, high in vitamin C which contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue and source of fibre.
Barba Stathis sliced mushrooms are delicious, juicy and highly nutritious. They are high in protein which contributes to the maintenance of the muscle mass.