Exceptional shortcrust pastry dough, made with butter, eggs and milk. Ideal for savoury or sweet tarts, pies and pastries with unique taste and aroma. Wrapped separately, for ease of use and storage. Without preservatives and hydrogenated fats and oils.
Two airy and malleable Puff Pastry sheets, which guarantee a fluffy, airy result and rich delicate layers. They are individually wrapped so that they do not stick together and can be easily stored. Ideal for savoury or sweet pies, tarts and fluffy croissants or millefeuille. Without preservatives and hydrogenated fats and oils.
Φύλλο που δουλεύεται εύκολα χωρίς να σπάει και χαρίζει στις δημιουργίες σας χρυσαφένιο και τραγανό αποτέλεσμα. Είναι ιδανικό για όλων των ειδών τα σιροπιαστά γλυκά, αφού απορροφά όσο σιρόπι πρέπει, καθώς και για όλα τα γλυκά που απαιτούν πολύ λεπτό φύλλο. Χωρίς συντηρητικά και υδρογονωμένα λίπη κα έλαια.
Light and elastic filo sheets, which can be used easily without shredding. Gives genuine homemade flavour to your creations with its golden and crunchy effect. Ideal for all kinds of pies. Without preservatives and hydrogenated fats and oils.