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Mixed minced meat of excellent quality and taste. It consists of 50% ground beef and 50% ground pork.
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Κιμάς βόειος εξαιρετικής ποιότητας και νοστιμιάς, κατάλληλο για φαγητά όπως μπιφτέκια, κεφτεδάκια, μακαρόνια με κιμά και πολλά άλλα.
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Minced pork leg of excellent quality and taste, suitable for foods such as burgers, meatballs, spaghetti with minced meat and many more.
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Excellent quality and taste pork steak with bones. Ideally cooked in the oven with potatoes or grilled and marinated on charcoal or even fried and quenched with wine.
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Pancetta is a salumi cut from the pork belly, a notoriously flavourful and fatty portion of meat that is extremely popular around the world.
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Pork souvlaki is nutritious and very tasty. It is rich in thiamine, which is a B vitamin that helps your body function properly.